Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PST
ScaleUp Business Training is a 9 week class that begins on January 12, 2022 and runs once weekly through March 9th, 2022.
There are flexible days and start times so visit the website, choose the best time and day according to your schedule then show up weekly!
This is a virtual event
No cost for this advanced business training!
Contact Information
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Do you feel like you have no time outside of working in your business?
Are you spending too much time on low profit activities?
Have high maintenance clients taken over your schedule?
Are you thinking of selling your business?
Need help interpreting your fiscal drivers?
Scaleup Business Training is here for you!
This powerful program will give you the tools necessary to take your time back, break through the profit plateau, create new sources of revenue, and help you to work on your business rather than in your business!
It's free professional training by experts in the field. I was in the last cohort and I can tell you it is definitely worth the time! They have flexible class times that allow you to attend at anytime.
It's virtual and includes mentorship, networking, an alumni membership and more.
Brought to you by StartUp Washington (Washington Department of Commerce) and the Thurston County Economic Development Center and MBDA-Tacoma (Minority Business Development Agency)
While 2022 still has that new-car smell, take the opportunity to register and get into this training!
Classes begin January 12th. Visit https://scaleupwashington.org/
Register, then show up!