Thursday Oct 19, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
4pm - 5pm
Topic: Member 101
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Welcome to the Kent Chamber of Commerce! We are delighted to have you as a new member, and we want to ensure that you make the most of your membership. That's why we invite you to attend our Member 101 class—an informational session designed exclusively for new Kent Chamber members.
Led by a member of our Chamber leadership, this short presentation will provide you with valuable insights into the benefits and opportunities that come with your membership. During the session, we will cover a range of topics, including:
Overview of the Kent Chamber of Commerce: Learn about our mission, vision, and the important role we play in supporting local businesses and fostering economic growth in the Kent community.
Membership Benefits: Discover the various benefits available to you as a member of the Kent Chamber. From networking events and business referrals to marketing opportunities and advocacy initiatives, we'll highlight how your membership can help you grow your business and connect with other professionals.
Chamber Programs and Resources: Get acquainted with the different programs and resources offered by the Chamber. We'll provide an overview of our events, educational workshops, mentorship programs, and committees, ensuring you know how to leverage these resources to maximize your membership.
Networking Opportunities: Learn about our networking events and how they can help you expand your professional network, build relationships, and generate new business opportunities.
Chamber Advocacy: Understand the Chamber's role in advocating for the interests of the business community at the local, regional, and state levels. We'll explain how you can get involved in our advocacy efforts and have a voice in shaping the business landscape.
The Member 101 class is designed to kick-start your relationship with the Kent Chamber and provide you with a solid foundation to navigate and utilize your membership effectively. It's also an excellent opportunity to connect with other new members, share experiences, and build relationships within the Chamber community.
We highly encourage all new members to attend this informative session. Whether you've recently joined or want to refresh your understanding of Chamber benefits, Member 101 is the perfect way to get started on your Chamber journey.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Member 101 class and supporting you in achieving your business goals. Please check our Chamber calendar or contact our office for the upcoming Member 101 class schedule.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Kent Chamber of Commerce for more information.
524 West Meeker Street, Suite 1, Kent, WA 98032 – (253) 854-1770 –